Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Spinach-Do not Avoid it..

"Spinach" the green food that most kids dislike and see it to be their enemy.The spinach and other vegetables taste bitter but can help you avoid health problems.The goodness of spinach is 'A healthy life with veggy food'.My mom used to advice me to take a cup of spinach three to four times a week.I regret now for having refused because if i had taken spinach i could have avoided my Specs as my mom always says.Spinach has got vitamin A,Iron and Vitamin C.Spinach can help humans in variety of ways.

The spinach acts as a source of iron for women during their pregnancy and it becomes very essential.It can also fight heart diseases and strengthen the gums.The spinach is also a Protein rich food that can help the body builders get their required protein and iron in absence of chicken and other protein diets. The nutrition value of this veg item is high that it can provide you healthy life.Never avoid spinach.The popeye show has a positive influence on small children to consume spinach.Thanks to popeye!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Eat enough Proteins

The word protein is rooted in the Greek, "protas" which means "of primary importance". Protein plays very important roles like transport and storage of other nutrients, control of growth, immune protection and also provides our body with needed fitness. For any person to build up or grow his muscle by even an inch,he should consume about 30 to 35 percent of his calories from the proteins. It is said that people who exercise should consume around 2.2 gm of protein for every kg of their body weight. So,this comes to around 150 gm of protein for a person weighing 70 kg.Sources of protein include eggs, meats, grains, legumes, milk, beans, soy etc that can be obtained form our day to day diet.

Protein is the second most important nutrient of the body after water. The proteins that we eat is made up of around 20 amino acids "Building blocks". When the protein intake is low, then the body breaks down the lean muscle tissue in order to convert it into amino acids and uses them for energy needs. This catabolism will lead to a fall in the rate at which the calories are burnt which in turn results in higher body fat to muscle ratio. But when the protein intake is too high, then it may lead to dehydration of the body. So body builders who consume high amount of proteins should drink adequate water.Many articles state that it is better for body builders to hydrate themselves every 20 minutes with enough water.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

What ??do u believe in Dreams?

Dreams are pictures,thoughts and feelings that are experienced while we are asleep. It is associated with Rapid Eye Movement(REM) sleep. Though the reasons for the purpose of dreams is not understood fully, there are many researches which are being carried out in the recent years. The scientific study of dreams is called as Oneirology. Its common among people to have both pleasant and unpleasant dreams. So people need not worry about what they have dreamt. Agonizing dreams may come in many different forms. An interesting Fact is that we don't snore when we dream.

If you are wrestling with such unpleasant dreams, then all you have to do is to hang them. Dreams have a lot to do with the unconscious mind and we actually dream a lot. Dreams are usually not recalled the next day and we tend to forget what we dreamt of. Dreams are not the signs of future events,the unpleasant ones are not the signs of abnormality or any mental disorder. After a pleasant or unpleasant dream the emotions associated with it might carry over into the next day which will soon dissipate. If the distress caused by a dream lasts over a long period so that it stops you from your normal routine then it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Beat the Heat!

Watermelon is an excellent source of vitamins. It has originated from southern Africa and it is a herb similar to vine. There are various Varieties of watermelon like the Yellow watermelon, orangeglo, moon and stars, cream of Saskatchewan, Melitopolski and Dansuke watermelon. Watermelon is the most common among the various types of melons. As a member of the CuCurbitaceae family, the watermelon is related to the cantaloupe,squash and pumpkin that grow on vines on the ground. The shape of watermelons often vary,they may be round,oblong or spherical in shape.

Researchers say that one cup of diced watermelon contains loads of Vitamin A and C, no fat and only 40 calories, the fruit is a winner in the health category. Naturally it is packed with lycopene, an antioxidant which may aid in the prevention of prostrate cancer and cardiovascular disease. Watermelon has extremely high content of water in it(approximately 92%) so a glass of watermelon is always a refreshing drink. Watermelon also helps in hydrating your body and cools down the heat in the summer as it is the thirst-quenching fruit.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Saliva-a natural medicine

The saliva is a watery substance found in the mouth of humans and animals too.The saliva is said to be a good medicine for wounds that occur inside mouth.The saliva has got the natural disinfectants that heps in cleaning and curing wounds and mouth ulcers.The nerve growth factor(NGF) is a protein in the saliva of humans that helps in curing wounds faster than un-attended wounds.The humans when they lick the wounds the saliva removes the dirt and bacterial deposits in the wounds and helps in curing the wound faster.It is also said that natural painkillers can be obtained from saliva that works equally or more than morphine,a painkiller drug.

The researchers from Texas have found that Breast cancer can be found in women from their saliva in the early stages of cancer.The cancer leads to change in the secretions which can be analyzed from the saliva.The medicinal effects in saliva are being used now to find new drugs that can serve mankind in a better way.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Importance of water during Workouts

The workout in gyms usually aim at burning calories or building up muscles.The workouts if are heavy and tiring then you need water to help you out.The people who train themselves in warmer conditions are at a risk of dehydration.The water intake should not be at the end of the workout waiting all the time for the workout to get over.The athletes and people training in gym must consume water every 15 to 20 minutes so as to keep the workout routine going and avoid tiredness and fatigue.Body stops sweating properly if the needed water is not taken and a condition of dehydration prevails.This is a stage where your body cries for help.water is said to be best sports drink by many doctors and trainers.When the body cant help you to continue with the workout anymore you should stop,if not it may lead to cramps and health problems.A break every 20 minutes during the workout for 5 minutes to replace the lost water and energy will be helpful.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Numismatics-Precious belongings

The art of collecting the coins and studying about them is called numismatics.The ancient coins have a great look with the figure of a great person who served the country the best.Many people have this art as their hobby.This hobby also includes collecting old forms of writings,portraits of great people and also art works.The rare coins are preserved in the museums.The world's largest coin market is London.The archaeologists consider these to be treasures as the coins help them in the historical research and finding the age of the coins.

The silver and bronze kind of materials were used to make the coins.The coins were used in the ancient period for small exchanges between people.Coin collecting has also been the hobby of kings.The numismatics study can also help to know the rarity of coins.The numismatics also gives the pride over the ownership of rare coins that are not even seen in some museums of today.Some people who collect the coins just sell them.Numismatics is a study and possession of priceless things.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Hunting Of Whales in japan

The whales, one of the species of underwater that are decreasing in number and are killed in great numbers in Japan.The Japanese oppose strongly against the ban of hunting whales.The Japanese say that they hunt the harmless mammal for scientific purposes but the hunted whales are used for different purposes.Can you believe that the Japanese are consuming 'Whale meat' and it has become a item in the menu of big hotels.The Japanese kill nearly 400 whales every year.

The Japanese depend on the sea food heavily and argue that the whales are no exceptions and ban on hunting whales must be lifted.Japan has asked for inclusion of fin whales and Humpback whales to the hunting list that includes Minkle whales.The trend if continues will surely lead to the extinction of the species.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Fruit Juice-Alternate thirst Quenchers

The fruit juices are good quenchers of thirst next to water which is the best.Those people who need something refreshing and energizing can opt for fresh fruit juices rather than colas and sodas.The sodas can cause further health problems and just quench thirst temporarily.The juices from apple,berries and watermelon are good for health too.The juices are our companion in the hot summer.The juices can also help to tackle constipation problems.One great thing about juices is that they can be consumed without adding sugar by people who suffer from diabetes.The juices can help them with some sweet taste without affecting their sugar levels badly.

The juices also provide you the required nutrients.The orange juice can fight against the stone in kidney problem.Pomegranate juice increases the blood flow to heart and helps us stay healthy.So Consuming fruit juices have greater health benefits and do not relate strongly to obesity problems.

Friday, May 2, 2008


Robotics is the branch of technology that deals with the design, construction, operation and application of Robots. Robot is a mechanical artificial agent which has an agency of its own. Generally the physical robots are referred to as robots, whereas the software agents are referred to as Bots. A person studying and working in the field of robotics is called as Roboticist. A company called Skilligent is working to reduce the cost of programming in Robots. Android is a kind of robot that is used to resemble human beings both in looks and in behavior. The other kinds of robots are the Humanoid robot, Rolling robot, Walking robot, Flying robot and much more..

Many International Universities spends millions of dollars to perform research in the field of robotics. Robotics involves the concept of Artificial Intelligence(AI). Robotics are applied in almost all the fields like the military, entertainment, engineering, industrial and much more. The Robots has certain fatalities too. The first man to be killed by a robot was Robert Williams who died at the casting plant at Flat Rock,MI. So its up to the humans(the creators of the robots) to develop robots in a creative way rather than as a destructive tool.